Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Album You Should Own By Now - Kate Nash

Kate Nash - "Made Of Bricks"
(Jenny Lewis + British accent) x (Snarky lyrics / Lily Allen) = Kate Nash

I randomly posted one of Kate Nash's songs, "Mouthwash", as a "Video Of The Day" last week, and it made me remember how much I enjoyed her album. Kate Nash became famous due to the strength of her first single "Foundations", which really is the strongest song on the album. She also became well known for her popularity on MySpace, which helped her land a music deal.

Her songs are mellow but poppy and have wonderful stream of consciousness type lyrics. The majority of the album is very tight with only one or two skippable songs. Enjoy.

Two of my favorites:


"Pumpkin Soup"

Kate Nash MySpace

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