Monday, March 30, 2009

Album You Should Own By Now - Rilo Kiley

Rilo Kiley - Under The Blacklight

I first reviewed this album on my old site, HERE. Notice how pretentious it was. "The layers were a treat to hear...", ass.

Under The Blacklight has silently slipped into the category of "album I can listen to at any time". There are albums I love but I really have to be in the mood to listen to, like 2gether, but this album I find myself listening to often. I can't really get sick of it.

Jenny Lewis is aa awesome singer & actress. The CD is full of great songs and you can put it on and listen to the whole thing without skipping. Plus, the songs are all about crazy topics..."15" is about a dude bangin a 15 year old chick, and"The Money Maker" is about strippers, so dudes, don't worry about listening to a band with a female lead singer. She's bad ass. This CD truly is amazing. Please check it out.

Plus the guitar player is "Joey The Rat" from Boy Meets World.


"The Money Maker", click HERE. (Kinda NSFW)

"Silver Lining"


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